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Intensive check on construction sectors in Jeju Island 2013.07.23
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

Intensive check on construction sectors in Jeju Island

KOSHA discussed ways to improve safety and health in the construction field

   June 26, 2013

President Hun-ki Baek pursues field-oriented management in an effort to reduce accidents in the construction sector especially in Jeju Islands.

Intensive safety and health interventions are required as the construction is booming with increasing demand for tourism accommodations and new apartment complex in the island, to be one of the ‘innovative cities’ in Korea.

In that sense, president Baek visited Jeju island to look around safety and health level in the construction sectors. In particular, he checked OSH interventions against fall accidents in the construction field for the housing zone development.

Following the visit, he had a meeting with representatives from construction companies, and hotel construction and safety managers to discuss difficulties in pursuing workers’ safety.

President Baek said that it is easy to witness accidents for the construction sector in the summer with lax attitude toward discipline or potential risks, adding that managers as well as general contractors should pay more attention to workers’ safety and health, and whether they stick to safety guidelines.


President Baek is taking about prevention methods in the construction sector, Jeju Island.
