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Best practices of OSH across the nation 2013.07.23
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

Best practices of OSH across the nation

KOSHA hosts contest on best practices on occupational safety and health

July 2, 2013

KOSHA opened a contest on best practices on occupational safety and health, celebrating the 46th Occupational Safety and Health Week. The contest was held in COEX, together with 6 related organizations, and served as an opportunity to introduce and share occupational safety and health activities of each other.

The contest is an annual event where best practices from 6 organizations are introduced among 326 local autonomous organizations and public agencies who signed MOU with KOSHA, under the goal of strengthening OSH capability.

In the contest, Busan Port Safety Council received the grand prize for its hard working in preventing occupational accidents in cooperation with Busan Port Trade Union, Busan Port Safety Association, Busan Port Training Institute, Busan Port Logistics Council, Busan Local Office of the MOEL, Busan Port Authority, and KOSHA.

Mr. Kwon-ho Koo, Director of the Management and Planning Department said that OSH activities joined by every stakeholder would help contribute distributing safety culture and reducing accidents, adding that strong point of the labor, management and the government should be harnessed to continue OSH activities.


Director General for Technology (7th from the right) is taking a photo with awardees after the contest.
