Seoul Declaration
During the Safety and Health Summit in 2008, co-organized by KOSHA, the ILO, and the ISSA and held on the occasion of the 18thWorld Congress on Safety and Health at Work, the Seoul Declaration was established to raise the public awareness and encourage political responsibility on OSH
Recognizing a safe and healthy working environment as the most fundamental right of workers, the Seoul Declaration aims to mitigate workers’ suffering and contribute to social welfare through concerted efforts made by the labor, management, government and society. The Seoul Declaration, as the first universal charter in its kind, opened a new chapter in the history of occupational safety and health
So far, the ILO, the ISSA, and KOSHA have launched a variety of activities to implement the Seoul Declaration worldwide. And on many other OSH events and conferences, support statements of the Seoul Declaration were signed
Canary Islands Statement (in March 2009) -Spain
- Dusseldorf Statement (in November 2009) - Germany
- Mauritius Statement (in April 2010) - Mauritius
- Regional OSH Action Plan based on the Seoul Declaration (in May 2010) - Republic of Srpska
- International Seminar on the Best Practice for the implementation on the Seoul Declaration (in July 2010) - Korea
- Beijing Statement (in September 2010) - China
- Istanbul Declaration of Ministers of Labour for a Preventative Culture(in September 2011) - Turkey
Efforts to promote and implement the Seoul declaration will continue to create a safe and happy society, free from occupational injuries and illnesses