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게시판 상세페이지
For Another Successful History in Occupational Safety 2016.02.25
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

“For Another Successful History in
Occupational Safety”


Workshop for Enhancing Work Competence on 26th Jan.


Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) held a 'Workshop
for Work Competence' with more than two-hundred employees on 26th January
at KT HR development center located in Daejeon.

The aim of this workshop is sharing results from KOSHA's business such as risk assessment consulting and working environment improvement, and vision of this year's business.

KOSHA's occupational safety business includes review of harm and hazard
prevention plan and timely technical support. It achieved results as protecting 1,742 workers from work-related accident and saving 12 workers' lives from
fatal accidents in manufacturing industry.

President of KOSHA Young-Soon, Lee said "OSH field is expected to be changed according to the labor market restructuring." and "let's make another successful history in occupational safety area with KOSHA's expertise and culture."




