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KOSHA opened discussion on Global Culture of Prevention 2016.04.18
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

KOSHA opened discussion on Global Culture of Prevention

The 5th Bureau meeting of ISSA International Section for a Culture of Prevention on 21st March at Dresden, Germany

 □ President of Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency(KOSHA);
Young-Soon Lee convened the 5th bureau meeting of ISSA International Section for a culture of prevention at Dresden, Germany on 21st March.

□ KOSHA is a chair organization of the section and the section is consisted of 55 organizations from 25 countries. Representatives of global professional occupational safety and health organizations from the U.K., France and Germany joined the conversation about global prevention culture.

□ Major topics of the meeting were: further development of smart-phone application; Find Accident to share information of major accident in world-wide, publication of newsletter on prevention culture and international efforts/future plans to disseminate prevention culture.

□ President Lee appreciated continuous contribution of the section of a culture of prevention to global settlement of prevention culture since its establishment in 2011 and asked supports for further development.
