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게시판 상세페이지
‘First Occupational Health & Safety Management System certification for public corporation, under management of Seoul Metropolitan City Government’ 2015.07.10
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

First Occupational Health & Safety Management System certification for public corporation, under management of Seoul Metropolitan City Government


Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation (SMFMC); under jurisdiction of Seoul Metropolitan government, achieved certificates and plaque with establishment its Occupational Safety & Health Management System (OSHMS) for construction industry from Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA). Although private construction corporates’ certification of OSHMS has been common, it is first certificate for the public corporation e.g. Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation.

KOSHA-18001 for construction industry - advanced safety management method, certified by KOSHA and issued to corporate which established its systematic OSHMS.

Every year Seoul Metropolitan city orders approximately five hundreds small-sized construction projects and Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation is responsible for supervision of each construction site.

Small-sized construction sites were not able to efficiently respond to insufficient safety management manpower or violation of safety rules due to its limited size and capacity before their supervisor.

Under such circumstances, Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation applied for the certificates to KOSHA in April, 2014. KOSHA conducted audits/consulting to the corporation’s headquarter and sites, and there were revision and improvement to establish the management system.

Thanks to KOSHA’s consulting, the corporation could effectively assign safety supervisors to safety management department and small-sized construction sites to enable systematic safety management.

The new OSHMS of Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation includes reflection of OSH activities to management evaluation, ground work for evaluation system of period/site, monitoring of small-sized construction sites and manual to upgrade of site-safety level.

Prof. Lee, Young Soon, the president of KOSHA said that “recently responsible for safety management urges more responsibility to the business owners. Against this backdrop, the first KS 18001 issue to the public corporation has special meaning.” He also emphasized that “the OSHMS should play a key role to lay a foundation for self-control safety management at construction site.”
