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Field give answer to prevent occupational accidents 2012.10.05
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

Field give answer to prevent occupational accidents

KOSHA visits 2 manufacturing work places in Dae-gu to check OSH status

26th September

President Hun-ki Baek of KOSHA visited 2 manufacturing work places in Dae-gu on 26th September to check the OSH status.

KOSHA moves to identify OSH problems and come up with prevention methods in work places in Dae-gu, the city that witnesses increasing fatal cases with 150 cases only for this year, despite reduced accident cases compared to last year.

The president looked around the plant that produces brakes for cars and washing machine in an effort to check the level of OSH technological support, before he visited the company that produces LED lighting fixtures and there he listened to voices of workers who ask him of coming up with prevention methods.


President Baek (4th from left) and people from the company he visited are looking around the work place to check the OSH status. End
