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게시판 상세페이지
KOSHA 18001(Construction industry) 2013.05.02
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

What is KOSHA 18001?


KOSHA 18001 is a system to evaluate if a workplace ‘s safety & health management system

meets the certification standard which was established by KOSHA in order to build up the

self-regulated safety and health management system at workplace and to accredit it.


□ Components

It is composed of a systematic safety & health activity as follows ① CEO’s declaration of their line on safety & health ② Plan establishment ③ Practice & run ④ Check & correction ⑤ and Review on the result for continuous improvement.


What are the expected effects?

I. Economic benefits

① Minimization of damage cost due to industrial disaster prevention.

② Decrease in budget due to the selective and phased investment against disaster risk.

③ Integration and simplification of safety, health and administrative works.


II. Benefits from government

① Reflection of self-regulated efforts for safety and health in the public bidding.

② Decrease in consumable expenses due to exemption from duties and the easing of penalties.

③ Cutting down on insurance fee due to decrease in premium rate of industrial accident compensation insurance.


III. Other benefits from disaster reduction

① Improvement of the safety consciousness of workers and the productivity.

② Standardization of work and a voluntary job performance is possible.

③ Creation of added value due to the rise of company recognition.

Please see the attached file
