안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
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게시판 상세페이지
Laber Department Cracks Down on Child Labor 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Laber Department Cracks Down on Child Labor
  일  자 : 1996년 10월
  제공처 : Safety & Health

 Young workers are among the most exploited of any in the labor force.
      And now the Labor Department's Region  8 office in Denver is
      cracking down on hotels, motels and restaurants that use illegal
      child labor or violate minimum-wage and overtime requirements
      with teenagers.

 The Labor Department's Wage and Hour Division Child Labor
      Strike Force is stepping up efforts to protect  young workers
      from exploitation.

 The initiative is part of the "Work Safe This Summer" campaign,
      which also includes the participation of OSHA, NIOSH,
      the Child Labor Coalition, the Employment and Training
      Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

 There are about 70 work-related deaths of children
      under l8 each year, according to NIOSH. Experts believe teenagers
      are especially vulnerable to exploitation  because they are
      inexperienced, often poorly trained and less likely to complain
      about their working conditions.

 This strike force, which is targeting Colorado and southern Wyoming,
      is the second of three planned in the region. Last summer a similar
      strike force uncovered more than 2l5 violations of child-labor laws
      and issued more than $l69,000 in civil penalties.
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