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사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Are Better Air Bags Safer? 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Are Better Air Bags Safer?
  일  자 : 1998년 11월
  제공처 : Internet

      Are Better Air Bags Safer?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently announced a
proposed rule that would require U.S. automakers to improve the safety of
air bags. According to Ricardo Martinez, NHTSA administrator, the proposal
would give automakers "maximum flexibility to pursue technological solutions
" to air bag safety concerns. One solution is to develop a new generation of
air bags that can "sense" a passenger's size and adjust the force of

Janet Dewey, executive director of the National Safety Council's Air Bag &
Seat Belt Safety Campaign, recently released a statement in response. "We
applaud advances in air bag technology," Dewey said in the statement.
"However, these advances never will replace the need for a few commonsense
safety steps to protect vehicle occupants." Dewey outlined what she
called "the ABCs of air bag safety," which are:

   - Always slide the seat back as far as possible and sit back.
   - Buckle up everyone.
   - Children 12 and younger should ride properly restrained in the back seat.

"The leading risk our children face is not air bags," she added. "It's being
unrestrained in a crash. In fact, six out of 10 children who die in crashes
are not buckled up."

NHTSA's advanced air bag proposal would require additional air bag system
performance tests for passenger cars and light trucks. Also required would
be additional tests to reduce risks to infants, children and "out-of-
position" adults.

Manufacturers would have to comply with the new standard beginning with
model year 2003 vehicles.

For more information about the Air Bag & Seat Belt Safety Campaign, call
(202) 625-2570 or visit the Council's Air Bag Campaign Web pages.

