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게시판 상세페이지
Minister Launches OHS module & Small Business updates 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Minister Launches OHS module & Small Business updates
  일  자 : 1998년 11월
  제공처 : Internet

      Minister Launches OHS module & Small Business updates


   Business Entry Point ? OHS Module

  In the May 1998 issue of WORKSAFE news, we reported on the development of
  an OHS module which was to be a component of the wider Business Information
  Services (then known as Bizlink) coordinated by AusIndustry.

  The information service, now called Business Entry Point (BEP), was
  officially launched in Canberra on June 5, 1998 by the Minister for
  Workplace Relations and Small Business, Mr Peter Reith (refer photo).
  BEP is a direct response to a recommendation from the Small Business
  Deregulation Task Force that information about government requirements
  which impact on business operations should be more readily available.
  OHS was one of five priority areas identified for inclusion in the

  The BEP OHS module provides plain-English OHS information to small business
  operators and their advisers. It can be accessed through the Web site
  www.business.gov.au or through the NOHSC Web site www.worksafe.gov.au

  The module provides information on significant hazards for the following
  six industry groups:

    - Cafes and Restaurants
    - Grocery Stores
    - Housing Construction
    - Meat Products
    - Nursing Homes
    - Wood and Wood Products.

  The Module also provides accessible information on topics such as:

    - The benefits of simple prevention steps.
    - Health and safety laws explained in plain English.
    - How to get started with an OHS Program.
    - Information on dealing with hazards which are common in most

  Since the launch, some refinements have been made to the OHS module for
  incorporation into AusIndustry's September update of the Business Entry
  Point. The main changes to the module are:

    - Improvements to design and presentation ? inclusion of graphics
      and photographs, refinements to text and format.
    - Improved navigation.
    - Provision of additional information through links to other Web
    - Additional information provided in Housing Construction and
      Wood Products in the Specific Industries section.
    - Easier identification of information on common workplace hazards
      in the Hazards and Solutions section.

      Fourth Small Business Subcommittee Meeting ? August 10, 1998

      Members agreed to the 1998-99 small business work program for NOHSC
      which includes:

    - Pilot Speakers Program - a pilot project in conjunction with
      Rotary International and Victorian WorkCover
    - Authority which will assess the extent to which existing
      business networks such as service clubs can be utilised
      to deliver OHS information to small business.
    - Evaluation of Interactive CD ROM Product ? A CD ROM/Internet
      interactive multimedia product is being developed by the
      Queensland Division of Workplace Health and Safety as another
      innovative mechanism for delivery of OHS information to small
      business. NOHSC will assist with the evaluation of the product.
    - Additional industry sub-group specific information for the BEP
      OHS Module ? OHS information for two more industry sub-groups
      will be added to the module in time for AusIndustry's June 1999
      update of the BEP.
    - Update of small business information on NOHSC Web site ? work
      is being undertaken to update the content and presentation of
      the information on the small business section of the NOHSC
      Web site.

    Members are also considering holding a Small Business Workshop before
    the end of 1998 with the broad aims of:

    - reviewing existing OHS material available to small business
    - identifying gaps in meeting the needs of small business
    - considering how to meet the needs of industries not being
      addressed by current programs
    - considering how practical guidance material for small business
      may best be developed
    - facilitating discussion on successful projects/initiatives
    - contributing to the planning of the NOHSC Small Business Work
      Program for 1999-2000

    A highlight of the meeting was a presentation by John Grant, the
    subcommittee member from the Office of Small Business, in the Department
    of Workplace Relations and Small Business.

  Mr Grant demonstrated a database product Unravelling the Threads, which
  provides information to business advisers and operators on the most
  common areas of legislation which cause confusion for employers. The
  product can be accessed on AusIndustry's BEP site: www.business.gov.au

  Mr Grant also discussed ways in which the Office of Small Business and
  NOHSC could work together to develop distribution strategies that
  effectively reach small business.

     For further information, please contact the NOHSC Office Small Business
     Co-ordinator, Judith Allen, phone (02)9577 9525,
     email allenj@worksafe.gov.au

