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게시판 상세페이지
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- United States 1997 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- United States 1997
  일  자 : 1998년 09월
  제공처 : Internet

       Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- United States 1997

    Too many youth practice behaviors that place them at risk for
    serious injury, sexually transmitted diseases, other preventable
    health problems and even premature death, according to data
    released today from the 1997 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
    System (YRBSS), the most comprehensive survey of high school
    student health behaviors, including data for the nation, 36 states
    and territories and 17 cities. The priority health risk behaviors
    monitored include: behaviors that contribute to injury, tobacco
    use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual behaviors, dietary
    behaviors, and physical activity.

    In the U.S., 73% of all deaths among school-age youth and young
    adults result from four causes: motor vehicle crashes, other
    unintentional injuries, homicide, and suicide. Results from the
    YRBSS suggest that many high school students practice behaviors
    that may increase their likelihood of death from these causes --
    such as not wearing seat belts and carrying a weapon. Also,
    substantial health and social problems among youth result from
    unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including
    HIV infection and AIDS. In addition, since 67% of all deaths among
    adults result from heart disease, stroke, and cancer, the YRBSS
    measures risk behaviors such as physical inactivity and poor
    nutrition, which are often initiated during adolescence.

    Considerable variation in the prevalence of risk behaviors occurs
    from state to state. Thirty-four behaviors had a three-fold or
    greater variation among the states. The following ten behaviors had
    a four-fold or greater variation among the states:

    Behaviors that contribute to unintentional and intentional injuries

       - Rarely or never wearing a seat belt -- 6.1% to 36.5%.
       - Driving after drinking alcohol -- 8.1% to 33.2%.

    Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use

       - Frequent cigarette use -- 7.3% to 27.6%.
       - Current smokeless tobacco use -- 3.4% to 22.5%.
       - Lifetime injected drug use -- 0.8% to 4.2%.
       - Cigarette use on school property -- 6.5% to 25.3%.
       - Smokeless tobacco use on school property -- 1.9% to 15.2%.

    Sexual behaviors

       - Initiated sexual intercourse before 13 years of age -- 3.8% to 21.2%.
       - Currently abstinent --22.9% to 35.7%.

    Physical activity

       - Attended physical education class daily -- 7.3% to 62.2%.

      Summary of data from the 1997 national YRBS

  [Among high school students nationwide:]

    Behaviors that contribute to unintentional and intentional injuries

       - 19.3% rarely or never used seat belts when riding in a car.
       - 88.4% of students who had ridden a bicycle during the past
  year, rarely or never wore a bicycle helmet.
       - 36.6% rode with a driver in the past month who had been
  drinking alcohol.
       - 18.3% carried a weapon during the past month.
       - 36.6% were in a physical fight during the past year.
       - 7.7% attempted suicide during the past year.

    Tobacco use

       - 36.4% smoked cigarettes during the past month.
       - 16.7% smoked cigarettes on 20 or more days during the past
       - 9.3% used smokeless tobacco during the past month.

    Alcohol and other drug use

       - 50.8% had at least one drink of alcohol during the past month.
       - 33.4% had five or more drinks of alcohol on at least one
  occasion during the past month.
       - 26.2% used marijuana during the past month.
       - 3.3% used cocaine during the past month.
       - 16.0% used inhalants during their lifetime.

    Sexual behaviors

       - 48.4% had sexual intercourse during their lifetime.
       - 16.0% had sexual intercourse with four or more partners during
  their lifetime.
       - 34.8% had sexual intercourse during the past three months.
       - 56.8% of sexually active students used a condom at last sexual
       - 16.6% of sexually active students used birth control pills at
  last sexual intercourse.

    Dietary behaviors

       - 29.3% ate five or more servings of fruits and vegetables
  during the past day.
       - 4.5% took laxatives or vomited to lose weight during the past
       - 4.9% had taken diet pills to lose weight during the past

    Physical activity

       - 63.8% did vigorous physical activity three or more days during
  the past week.
       - 20.4% did moderate physical activity five or more days during
  the past week.
       - 48.8% were enrolled in physical education class.
       - 27.4% attended physical education class daily.

    *The 90-page report is available at: http://www.cdc.gov (pick MMWR,
    Surveillance Summaries, Vol. 47/No. SS?3, August 14, 1998).
    Reporters can obtain printed copies from the CDC Press Office,
    (404) 639?3286.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Office of Communication
    Division of Media Relations
    Atlanta, GA
이전글/다음글 리스트
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