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사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


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  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
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게시판 상세페이지
OSHA, Chemical Safety Board Sign Memorandum of Understanding 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : OSHA, Chemical Safety Board Sign Memorandum of Understanding
  일  자 : 1998년 10월
  제공처 : Internet

       OSHA, Chemical Safety Board Sign Memorandum of Understanding


  Cooperation and understanding between two federal agencies will ensure more
  effective investigations into the cause of chemical-related incidents,
  thanks to a memorandum of understanding signed today by the heads of the
  two agencies charged with investigating and preventing such accidents.

  Charles N. Jeffress, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety
  and health, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Dr.
  Paul L. Hill, Jr., chairman, U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation
  Board (CSB), signed the joint agreement in a ceremony at the Labor Department.

  "This is a significant document because it fosters understanding and coopera-
  tion by both agencies, while not inhibiting either one of us from doing our
  job," explained Jeffress. "Through coordination, information sharing and
  other means, our agencies can determine the cause of an incident, whether
  violations were committed, and design preventive measures. The bottom line
  is that worker's health and safety, as well as the general public's, is
  protected and enhanced."

  "The signing of this agreement is a milestone in the short history of the
  CSB and an enhancement of what has already been a close working relationship
  with our friends at OSHA," Dr. Hill said. "Today we have taken a notable
  step forward in our mission to protect worker safety and reduce the likeli-
  hood of chemical accidents."

  The CSB, an independent federal agency modeled after the National Transpor-
  tation Safety Board(NTSB), investigates serious chemical accidents to deter-
  mine and identify causes and make recommendations to regulatory agencies,
  such as OSHA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help prevent
  future similar incidents. OSHA's primary goal following a chemical accident
  is to determine an employer's compliance with the Occupational Safety and
  Health Act and OSHA regulations.

  The agreement signed today sets in motion a working relationship between
  the two agencies, and covers general policy and coordination procedures.
  Aside from establishing those procedures, the memorandum of understanding
  minimizes duplication of activities so each agency can carry out its
  specific statutory requirements.

  The agreement focuses on six specific issues:

       (1) Incident Notification. Both agencies will continue to be notified
    of chemical releases by the National Response Center. The agreement
    specifies that both agencies will notify each other if an incident
    results in one or more worker fatalities, the hospitalization of
    three or more workers, property damage of more than $500,000, or
    if the incident presents serious threats to worker and public safety.

       (2) Incident Investigation. OSHA will continue to investigate
    employer compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health
    Act and OSHA regulations. CSB will continue to determine the
    cause or probable cause of the incident.

       (3) Information Sharing. Both agencies will coordinate fact-
    finding efforts. However, because CSB is not an enforce-
    ment agency, and to ensure that it is not perceived to
    be an extension of such an agency, its investigative
    activities will be separate and distinct from other
    on-site agencies with enforcement authority. OSHA and
    CSB will publicly release its own agency information;
    however, such releases will be coordinated with each other
    to ensure proper disclosure.

       (4) Training, Technical and Professional Assistance. OSHA and
    CSB will make available their chemical incident and related
    training programs to personnel from both agencies. The
    agreement also encourages the sharing of technical assist-
    ance during incident investigations.

       (5) Incident Investigation Reports. CSB will coordinate the
    release of public statements and public reports with OSHA.
    Such coordination will ensure that any on-going enforce-
    ment actions by OSHA are not jeopardized.

       (6) Inter-Agency Assistance. The agreement specifies that
    if the CSB elects not to send an investigation team
    to a chemical incident, they can request incident
    information from other on-site agencies, including OSHA.

  The principal points of contact designated in the agreement are the Deputy
  Assistant Secretary for Enforcement (OSHA) and the Director, Office of
  Investigations (CSB).

  The news release text is on the Internet World Wide Web at http://www.osha.
  gov/ under media releases  and at http://www.chemsafety.gov. Additionally,
  the full text of the MOU is also available via both agency's web sites.
  Information on this news release will be made available to sensory impaired
  individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 219-8151 (OSHA) and (202)
  261-7600 (CSB).

