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사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Hand Tools Are Money-Savers, Sweden Says 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Hand Tools Are Money-Savers, Sweden Says
  일  자 : 1998년 08월
  제공처 : National Safety Council(Grobal Update)

    Expensive? Yes, but ergonomically-designed hand tools may save money
 in the long run, according to a "non-experts" buyers guide from
 Sweden's National Board of Occupational Safety and Health.
 Money well spent on the right hand tools is money not spent on injuries,
 absences, replacements and staff transfers, the guide suggests.

    Ergonomic hand tools can reduce the risk of overuse injury, a condition
 workers may suffer if they perform tasks that :

    ·Take less than 30 seconds to complete but account for more than
 half a work cycle
    ·Take an hour or more to complete without pause

    Risk of injury increases tenfold when the tasks are performed above
 shoulder height.

    The first step to elimination or controlling the risk of injury is to
 design out the hazards, such as the work station layout.

    Design also is an important consideration when selection the proper
 ergonomic hand tools.
 Equipment should not require a cramped or fatiguing work posture and
 should match the worker's hand size. Tools should not involve shifting
 the "normal" relaxed position and should put minimum pressure on all parts
 of the hand(s). Heavy tools should be avoided as they put extra strain
 on the wrists.
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