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사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
How to Lift and Carry Safely 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : How to Lift and Carry Safely
  일  자 : 1998년 09월
  제공처 : Internet

              How to Lift and Carry Safely

    Lifting and carrying are power jobs -- when you lift and carry the wrong
    way, you can damage your back. Back injuries are the most common type of
    injury in the workplace, causing approximately 900,000 disabling injuries
    in 1995. Over half of these injuries are from lifting.

    Back injuries may be difficult to treat and may have lengthy and expensive
    rehabilitation times.

    Whether you are lifting at home or at work, make an effort to take care of
    your back. The National Safety Council recommends a number of tips to
    prevent unintentional injuries and keep your back strong and healthy.

    Power warm-ups

    You will work better if you start each day with slow stretches. These
    warm-ups let you ease comfortably into your workday and help you avoid

       Leg and back warm-up

  Prop one foot on a chair or a stool for support.
  Take a deep breath.
  Ease forward slowly -- keep your back slightly curved.
  Blow slowly outward as you ease forward to a seven count.
  Repeat seven times.
  Switch and do the same with the other foot.


  Stand with your feet about 12 inches apart.
  Support the small of your back with your hands.
  Hold your stomach in firmly and take a deep breath.
  Arch backward -- bend your head and neck as you go, blowing air
  slowly out for seven counts.
  Repeat seven times.

       Power lifting tips

  Protect your hands and feet by wearing safety gear.
  Size up the load -- tip it on its side to see if you can carry it
  comfortably. Get help if the load is too big or bulky for one
  Check for nails, splinters, rough strapping and sharp edges.
  Lift it right -- make sure your footing is solid. Keep your back
  straight, with no curving or slouching. Center your body over
  your feet, get a good grip on the object and pull it close to you.
  Pull your stomach in firmly. Lift with your legs, not your back;
  if you need to turn, move your feet and don't twist your back.

       Tough lifting jobs

  Oversized loads -- do not try to carry a big load alone;
  ask for help. Work as a team by lifting, walking and lowering the
  load together. Let one person call the shots and direct the lift.
  Use proper mechanical devices for heavy loads.

  High loads -- use a step stool or a sturdy ladder to reach loads
  that are above your shoulders. Get as close to the load as you can
  and slide the load toward you. Do all the work with your arms and
  legs, not your back.

  Low loads -- loads that are under racks and cabinets need extra care.
  Pull the load toward you, then try to support it on one knee before
  you lift.
  Use your legs to power the lift.

  Always ... use your stomach as a low back support by pulling it
  in during lifting.

  Remember ... a strong, healthy, powerful back is vital to your job.
  It also helps you enjoy life.
  Take pains to avoid injuries by making it a full-time job to take
  care of your back!
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