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사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry a Call to 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry a Call to
  일  자 : 1998년 07월
  제공처 : Internet

 Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry a Call to
 Action, Innovation, and Change

   Vision 2020 Events

  Technology Vision 2020 is "a call to action, innovation, and change" and aims
  to keep U.S. chemical companies competitive in the global business environ-
  ment. The participants in this visioning process concluded that "the growth
  and competitive advantage of our industry depend upon individual and coll-
  aborative efforts of industry, government, and academe to improve the nation
  's R&D enterprise."

  The American Institute of Chemical Engineers has played an important role
  in the development of Technology Vision 2020 consistent with AIChE's Vision
  for its future.

  In 1997, the AIChE Council created a task force to examine what roles AIChE
  should play in support of Technology Vision 2020, what unique contributions
  can be made to benefit AIChE members and the industry, and how AIChE should
  interact with other sponsors, federal agencies and the industry in these

  Several conclusions have emerged. AIChE will focus its attention on manufac-
  turing and operations as well as process science and engineering technology.
  In the latter focus area, AIChE will work closely with the Council for
  Chemical Research who are taking the leadership role in new chemical science
  and engineering technology, which includes chemical synthesis, computational
  chemistry, chemical measurements, bioprocessing, and materials technology,
  as well as process science and engineering technology.

  What products and outcomes are expected from AIChE's Vision 2020 activities?
  workshops, technology roadmaps, publications, R&D plans and projects,
  programming and educational innovations (e.g. continuing education) that
  lead to achieving the goals of the vision.

  What criteria are used to establish specific technology focus areas and
  action plans? The selection of focus areas will fit with the AIChE vision,
  strategic plan and competencies. Initiatives will meet the needs of members
  and generate sufficient interest from the membership to stimulate volunteers
  from divisions, committees and forums to step forward and play leadership
  roles in all facets of Vision 2020. New opportunities may be provided for
  AIChE Sponsored Research programs through existing centers such as the
  Center for Waste Reduction Technologies (CWRT) or through new entities that
  could emerge.

  Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry


     American Institute of Chemical Engineers - www.aiche.org
     American Chemical Society - www.acs.org
     Chemical Manufacturers Association - www.cmahq.com
     Council for Chemical Research - www.chem.purdue.edu/ccr
     Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association -

  Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry is available from David
  Schutt, ACS, (202) 872-6229 or d_schutt@acs.org

  Focus Areas of Technology Vision 2020

     New Chemical Science and Engineering Technology
     Supply Chain Management
     Information Systems
     Manufacturing and Operations

  The Goals to Reach Vision 2020

     Improve operations, with a focus on better management of the
     supply chain;
     Improve efficiency in the use of raw materials, the reuse of
     recycled materials, and the generation and use of energy;
     Continue to play a leadership role in balancing environmental and
     economic considerations;
     Aggressively commit to longer term investment in R&D;
     Balance investments in technology by leveraging the capabilities
     of government, academe, and the chemical industry as a whole
     through targeted collaborative efforts in R&D

  AIChE Vision 2020 Task Force

   Name, Organization, E-mail
   Jack Weaver, AIChE, jackw@aiche.org
                                     (212) 705-7407
   Earl R. Beaver, Monsanto,
                                     (314) 694-6087
   Paul F. Bryan, Union Carbide,
                                     (304) 747-4131
   Bruce Cranford, AIChE/CCR/ACS,
                                     (202) 429-3971
   G.V. (Rex) Reklaitis, Purdue University,
                                     (765) 494-4075
   Steven C. Weiner, Pacific Northwest
   National Laboratory, sc.weiner@pnl.gov
                                     (202) 646-7870

