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게시판 상세페이지
German Asbestos Deaths on the Rise 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : German Asbestos Deaths on the Rise
  일  자 : 1998년 02월
  제공처 : safety + Health(GLOBAL Update)

               < German Asbestos Deaths on the Rise >

 The German national workers-compensation insurance organrzation has
   reported a significant rise in the number of asbestos-related death
   in Germany over previous years. Press officer Andreas Baader says that
    1,124 deaths occurred in 1996 from asbestos. Figure in deaths of agricu-
   tural workers and government employees - groups covered by differ-
   ent insurance organrzations - and the overall death toll rises by 2
   percent, Baader says.

       Current totals virtually double the number of asbestos-relate
   deaths from 1996, according to Baader. The sharp rise is due mainly
   to the long latency perioJ of asbestos-related cancers, in which symp-
   toms often take 30 to 40 years to develop.

  Before the early '90s, only 200-500 cases were recorded each year in
   what was then West Germany. The insurance organization believes that
   the German death rare may peak a around 1,400 cases per year in 2010
   and then fall away. Restrictions or the use and production of asbestos
   based material have been in place since 1972.
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