안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
EPA, OSHA Warn of Hazardous Valves 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : EPA, OSHA Warn of Hazardous Valves
  일  자 : 1998년 02월
  제공처 : safety + Health(EPA Update)

             < EPA, OSHA Warn of Hazardous Valves >

   The EPA and Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently
   released a joint safety Alert to warn refineries, petrochemical plants,
   chemical plants and power-generation frcilities about certain types of
   check and butterfly valves.

  A check valve controls the flow within a pipe to go in only one
   direction; a butterfly valve is a type of check valve. Some of these valves
   can fril or 'blow out,' which causes toxic and/or flammable gas releases,
   fire and vapor-cloud explosions.Such failures can occur even when the
   valves are operated within their pressure and temperature limits.

       Most modern valves incorporate features designed to reduce or elimi-
   nare the possibility of shaft blowout. But older valves with external ap-
   pendages, such as pneumatic cylinders, counterweights, manual op-
   erators or dashpots, may be subject to this hazard. Facilities should de-
   termine if they have such valves, conduct a detailed hazard analysis to
   determine the risk of valve failure, and replace high-risk valves.

  For more information, contact EPA's Emergency Planning and
   Community Right-to-Know Hotline at (800) 424-9346, or on the
   Internet at < epa.gov/swercepp/ >.
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