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게시판 상세페이지
OSHA Plan Pledges Injury/Illness Cuts 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : OSHA Plan Pledges Injury/Illness Cuts
  일  자 : 1998년 01월
  제공처 : Safety + Health(OSHA Update)


  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently issued a
     strategic plan to reduce, by 20 percent or more, inJuries and illnesses
     in at least 100,000 workplaces.

  The goal reflects OSHA's response to many of its critics, who
     contend that the agency emphasizes numbers of inspections/citations
     rather than numbers of fatalities,injuries and illnesses. The plan was
     ordered by a 1993 law designed to prod federal agencies to develop more
     meaningful programs.

       "It's about time" that OSHA concentrates on injury and illness
      benchmarks, says F. M "Pete" Lunnie, executive coordinaror of
     the Coalition on Occupational Safety and Health, an employer
     group. But Lunnie says the strategic plan is just another version of
     grandiose federal plans.

 Margaret Seminario, the AFL-CIO's safety and health Director,
     called the plan "a decent first step." However, she says hazards also
     must be measured, because workplace induced illnesses like cancer can
     take many years to materialize.

  OSHA says it wrll focus on efforts designed to achieve the follow-
      ing goals by federal fiscal 2002:

 ㅇ Reduce three of the mostp revalent types of workplace indu-
 ries and illnesses by 15 percent in the highest-risk industries
 and occupations.

 ㅇ Cut injuries or illnesses in at least five "high-hazard" indus-
 ries, and in construction, by 15 percent. These target injuries and
 illnesses,and the five industries,will be chosen later.

 ㅇ Change "workplace culture" and "secure public confidence" via
 programs that cooperate more with employers and workers.

