제 목 : TRI Reveals Toxic Emissions Decrease
일 자 : 1997년 09월
제공처 : Safety + health(EPA Update)
EPA's recently released 1995 Toxic Release Inventory revealed a decrease
in the amount of chemicals released by industry into the air, water and
land. It was the first TRI that includes information on the 286 new
chemicals added to the list in l994, which nearly doubled the number of
chemicals to 643.
Releases of the core chemicals decreaseJ by 4.9 percent in l995,
from l.75 billion pounds in l994 to l.75 billion pounds in 1995.
Reported air emissions decreased by 88.8 million pounds, or 7 percent.
Reported discharges to surface water decreased 4.l million pounds, or
lO percent.
Releases to land decreased by 17million pounds, or 6 percent. Only
underground rejection releases increased - by 24.5 million pounds,
or 19.5 percent.
New chemicals in the TRI accounted for 237.7 million pounds of
the total releases, or lO percent Nitrate compounds are a pollutant
new to the TRI. Primarily derived from fertilizer manufacturing, these
compounds are responsible for almost 65 percent of all reported
water pollution, according to the EPA.
The fertilizer industry, however, reported that its manufacturers have
dereased their overall emissions from the previous year According
to the Fertilizer Institute, nitrogen fertilizer manufacturers reduced
their emissions in l995 by 14 percent from l994 totals, and phosphate
fertrlizer manufaturers reduced their emissions in 23.5 percent from
l994 totals.
"The fertilizer industry has made solid progress toward reducing emis-
sions," says Gary D.Myers, institute president."Recognizing community
concerns, the fercilities have worked hard to reduce emissions."
For more information about the TRI, contact EPA's Emergency
Planning anJ Community Right-to-Know Hotline at (800)424-9346.
Information also is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.