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게시판 상세페이지
2005년 9월 해외 산업안전보건 관련 행사 2005.09.02
작성자 : 관리자

2005년 9월 해외 산업안전보건 관련 행사

Date : 2005년 9월 13-16일

Title : 인간공학 및 인적 요인 : 산업안전보건 접근

       Ergonomics and Human Factors: Applications in Occupational Safety and Health

Place : Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Contact : Harvard School of Public Health

            677 Huntington AVe

            Boston MA 02115

Phone : 617-384-8692

Fax : 617-384-8690

E-mail : contedu@hsph.havard.edu

Web : http://www.hsph.harvard.edu

Date :  2005년 9월 13일

Title : 산업보건 및 위생

         Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene

Place : Balmertown, Ontario, Canada

Contact : Mines and Aggregates Safety and Health Association (MASHA)

                  690 McKeown Ave

                  North Bay ON P1B 9P1

Phone : (705) 474-7233

Fax : (705) 472-5800

E-mail : info@masha.on.ca

Web : http://www.masha.on.ca

Date : 2005년 9월 13-14일

Title : EUROHSE 2005 : 산업안전보건 문화 창조

       EUROHSE 2005 : creating a winning OSH culture

Place : London, UK

Contact : Jesse Bhadal

            EurOhse 2005 and Masterclass

            Office and Logistics Manager

            European Occupational Health and Safety Magazine (EurOhs)

            Angel Business Communications Ltd

            34 Warwick Road

            Kenilworth CV8 1HE Warwickshire, UK

Tel : +44 (0) 1926 512424

Fax : +44 (0) 1926 512948

E-mail : jesse@angelbc.co.uk

Web : http://www.eurohse2005.com

Date : 2005년 9월 18-22일

Title : NSC 연차회의 및 제17차 산업안전보건 국제대회

         National Safety Council (NSC) & XVIIth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

Place : Orlando, Florida, USA

Contact : World Safety Congress

            Registration and Housing Office, c/o ITS

            108 Wilmot Road, Suite 400

            Deerfield IL 60015-0825 USA

Phone : 1-800-424-5249 or 1-847-940-2155

Fax : 1-847-940-2386

E-mail : safety2005@itsmeetings.com

Web : http://www.safety2005.org

Date : 2005년 9월 18-21일

Title : 캐나다공공보건협회 96차 연례회의 및 캐나다 보건통계 회의

       Canadian Public Health Association 96th Annual Conference and the Statistics Canada's Health Statistics Data Users Confrence 2005

Place : Ottawa, Ontario,Canada

Contact : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Conference Dept.

                  400-1565 Carling Avenue

                  Ottawa ON K1Z 8R1

Phone : 613-725-3769

Fax : 613-725-9826

E-mail : conference@cpha.ca

Web : http://www.cpha.ca

Date : 2005년 9월 19-23일

Title : IOHA 6차 국제 과학 회의

         IOHA 6th International Scientific Conference

Place : North West Province, South Africa

Contact : Sue Moseley

            IOHA 2005 c/o MVS

            PO Box 93480

            Yeoville 2143, South Africa

Tel : +27 11 487-1073

E-mail : oha2005@asosh.org

Web : http://www.saioh.org/ioha2005

